
So far, but so close!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ThOuGHts Of mY SuSpICioUS MiND

What is the meaning and the reason that you, my friend, live for? Have you ever asked to yourself what are you doing in this world?What is the purpose of your life?!? What do you do in your everydaylife to make the one's that live around you and the one's that you love feel better, feel happie....?!? How many are the time's that we talk in a bad mood to our mom, to our father, to our brother, to our boyfriend, to our neighbour to our friend?!? (Maybe because we stessed or we just have a bad day)
I honestly think that a lot of persons don't think about the other's and don't think about this issues of making the other's happy and all that because they are selfish. This certainly didn't happen with us because when we were in Belgium you just receive us with every smile you guys got and making everything to make us feel happy in your country. We past 3 or 4 worderfull days there and then you came to here and we tried to do our best also, so i guess this is why our connection get so big and we feel already linked to each other.
Let's make the same in our everyday life because i believe that everyone have the right to be happy and the way to get that hapiness is making the one's that we love happy and confortable. if we see the one's we love happy we will feel happy also for sure. Let's make something to make our world better... just enjoy what the life has to offer; be with your friends, listen to music, play music, make love go party... because we know our birthday day but we don't know the day that we die.
In conclusion what i want to transmit to you my Portuguese and Belgium Friends is that; try to take you live in a "cool mode" try to chillout as many time's as you can, don't get to stressed for little things(don't make it big problems). Try to change you attitude when you are in a bad mood and with time you will be a different person with mor positive feelings.


"don't worry be happy"

Please make your comment's....


  • At 8/09/2006 8:21 pm, Blogger Catherine said…

    Deep thoughts those of your suspicious mind, when I ever find an answer to all your questions (cause you have to admit that they are a bit tricky) I'll let you know. But we were also very happy in your country (even mirakels happened there)I still can feel the positive energy I brought with me ;)

    (oh and by the way: the song is not from Bob Marley but from Bobby Mc Ferrin)

  • At 8/11/2006 11:07 am, Blogger Tineke said…

    Very nice... How long did it took to write that... I agree with the things you said. But i don't think its realistic to expect from everybody to be happy all the time. People have bad days, it happens. As long as everybody can forgive each other , its ok.
    I think you are a bit idealistic.
    And there are problems in the world, at work i see them every day. But then your quote : "don't worry , be happy" is not very helpfull. But its very good that you are trying to make the world a better place...


  • At 8/18/2006 1:17 am, Blogger Silvio Gomes said…

    well girls i'm awnsering your questions so, this took one night of work to write. If you read the text carefully you will see that it isn't so idealistic... i talk in "bad days" and that you don't make BIG problems in little things but i admit that it possible that you girl's think that. karlien why do you think i could't write like this? you think i'm dumb? i want to see a text about any theme written by you ok?!? kisses to girl's catherine,tineke and karlien

    bye, kisses xxx


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