
So far, but so close!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Portuguese Comitee will be in Belgium next 28-08!

Hi folks!

This blog is really stopped!

Well, it's just to say that me, Francisco, mayor Vitor Matos and wife will be there to watch your jubileum concert! We will be there from 28/08 to 3/09.

So, see you people soon!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Wait for us again in 2009!

Well long time no see! It's just to say that we are ready to see you guys again in Herdersem, next July, 2009! So, wait for us!!

Best regards!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We will be Here to welcome you again :-)

Hello!! Here everything is just fine. We had a concert on the 25 of April and it was on Mealhada. The weather was not so good and there were also a lot of wind on that day in spit of that it went just fine. We have some new pieces with new rythms that Daniel brought to the band, althought we still play some music that you guy's already heard(ABBA Gold;Antony New World,etc...)on the 13 of May we will have another concert that will be played in our headquarters with other bands in order to celebrate the band anniversary :-)... i think the band is going in the right direction and Daniel is getting more experience and we are looking forward to new good things to come...

Now talking about your trip to portugal it will be in a good time because in those day's the exams season will be over and because of that we can be with you guy's and have fun like the other summer. :-)

Well kisses and hugs to all, see you borregos on Summer...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

After the defeat.... Time to talk about something else


After our big defeat in football, its time to talk about something else.

So.... how was your Eastervacation? It was great here , it was very warm, sometimes it even was until 28 degrees. What was the weather there? Did you go on a trip or something?
In the last week we worked a lot for our concert on the 14th of april. The theme was that we drove with a train across Europe. And when we came to a country we played something that was written by someone that lived there. For example: when we came in Tsjechië, we played Antonin's new world, because the writer of that play was from Tsjechië. So when the train stopped in Portugal, we played Coïmbra é uma lição (de amor), because it was arranged by Manuel Pleno and he is from Portugal. You see? So... it was a great concert.
And how are things with your new maëstro? Daniël right? Is it going well?
In August we are gonna have a new maëstro to. His name is Andy en he is 25 years old. He went to the conservatory. He plays sax and het teaches students for sax and is also maëstro of a choir. So I think he will be great. We will see...
So... Another thing... you probably allready know but in august we are coming with a small group again to Portugal. Untill now we are with 5 people: Catherine , Karlien, Quintijn, Greet and myself. Maybe Tim is coming to but he doesnt know if he has vacation of work. Anyhow... it will be great, as always!! We are coming from 28 july till 8 august. We are going to stay in a house in Vila Cova de Alva. Its a little village about 60 km from Coïmbra. We are going to stay there untill 4 august and then we are going to Lissabon. We are going to stay there untill the 8 of august and then we take a plane back to Belgium. And we als are going to rent a car in Lissabon when we arrive, so we can visit everyone.
So... Be prepared for a Belgium invasion!!!

I have to go now because I have driving lessons in half an our,

dont forget to write your comments,

big hugs


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Portugal (4) Belgium (0)

Hey hello Borregos!!!! So i see you have been very busy in the last times . So much that you forget to write in our lovely blog...

I suposse that you guys know why i am writing at the moment... If isn't to much trouble i ask to you if you can go back in the blog and see my post talking about the match between Portugal and Belgium!!! 4-0 I said and 4 -0 it is :-)!!

The Game with Belgium was very talked here in portugal because your Goalkeeper gave a interview saying that the best way to stop RONALDO was injurying him!!!Sorry Stijn Stijnen i guess that didn't work, also when your commitive arrived to Portugal there were incidents some menbers of the commitive punched some journalist and Portuguese Media gave a very bad image of your national team.

But i know that belgium are cool people because i know you guys back in herdersem.

Well i send a big hug back to Belgium hope everything is fine with all of you.


In the end i Must SHOUT

Portugal! Portugal! Portugal!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Party time!

I like to wish you all a happy christmas and a merry new-year.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Portugal Vs Belgium on the 24/03/2007

Hi Bingo!!!!

Ilse got it... It is a footballmatch between Portugal and Belgium. It will be a day that we will kick your ass ;-p... we already gave you a example in pampilhosa of what is going to happen on the field between Portuguese and Belgium player's on the 24/03. MY BET IS 4-0 TO portugal!!!

Does anyone bet on other results? Be realistic...

By the way the last game of Portugal was in Coimbra. I went to see the game and also all the star's training on the day before the match. For me was really exciting to be able to see Ronaldo, Deco, Simão, Jorge Andrade, Quaresma, Tiago, Ricardo and all the player's that ADORE.... Portugal won the game ( 3-0) but we played realy soft the player's just used the 2nd "gear" of 6 that the "engine" have(if you know what i mean). You otherwise had a draw against Cazaquistan... and they are weak. Well i hope you don't lose more that 4-0 i don't want you to get embaressed.(lol)

Hasta el day the of the "MASSACRE" ;-p


waiting for all your post's...