
So far, but so close!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Portugal (4) Belgium (0)

Hey hello Borregos!!!! So i see you have been very busy in the last times . So much that you forget to write in our lovely blog...

I suposse that you guys know why i am writing at the moment... If isn't to much trouble i ask to you if you can go back in the blog and see my post talking about the match between Portugal and Belgium!!! 4-0 I said and 4 -0 it is :-)!!

The Game with Belgium was very talked here in portugal because your Goalkeeper gave a interview saying that the best way to stop RONALDO was injurying him!!!Sorry Stijn Stijnen i guess that didn't work, also when your commitive arrived to Portugal there were incidents some menbers of the commitive punched some journalist and Portuguese Media gave a very bad image of your national team.

But i know that belgium are cool people because i know you guys back in herdersem.

Well i send a big hug back to Belgium hope everything is fine with all of you.


In the end i Must SHOUT

Portugal! Portugal! Portugal!


  • At 3/25/2007 3:41 pm, Blogger Catherine said…

    hello brego's,

    I hope that our national team doesn't have to go to the EK, because it would be embarassing ;)

    And about Stijnen, the press has a little bit overreacted i think, he only wanted to say that we belgiums doesn't have a chance against a team with Ronaldo in it (a 4-0 proves it).

    Anywho, we'll do better next time, you'll see(we stay positive),




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