
So far, but so close!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Election Results

Hello Belgium Borregos!!!

Tineke i lost your phone number so here i leave the results of the votation:

Daniel Vieira - 43 votes

Silvio Pleno-13 votes

Abstention - 4 votes

The votation was made by the menbers of the band and also by the members of the board. Daniel won the election and he will be the new maestro of the band, although Silvio Pleno will also help Daniel like he did with Maestro Manuel Pleno. They will work in a cooperative way in order to keep the good name of our band.

Greetings to all....



  • At 10/22/2006 3:27 pm, Blogger Catherine said…

    I wish you a lot of succes with the new maestro.


  • At 10/24/2006 11:55 am, Blogger Tineke said…


    congratulations for both. I am sure that Daniel will do very good.
    And our maëstro told us friday the news that he is going to quit his job as maëstro. He will be our maëstro till April when we have our concert and then he is going to quit. So then we will have a new maëstro too. But its not going to be someone from the band. The board is going to look for someone outside the band and probably out of Herdersem too. The members dont have a say in it.

    And Silvio , my number is : 0032474705810

    Now you have no excuse for not sending me back :-)

    Bye bye xxxxxxxxx


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