
So far, but so close!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Manuel Lindo Pleno

He was a good Man. Friend, responsible, well, he was a Father. A Father for me and for all the youth that had learned with him. Yes, because he was an excellent Teacher. A Master who infused the desire of the Musical Art in all of us. He teached us with his patience, friendship and much wisdom. He used to bring up our development, correct our errors, look for to keep us in that Home which is the Filarmónica Pampilhosense. And he did it. The great majority of the boys and girls who learned with him is remained there! We are there because we love Music, like he did in all his Life! Musician since 7 years old, the destiny didn't let him reach the 70 years old. But his work left. A work that passed throw beyond the music paper and clefs. Its true his work was the Education given to his children. Children who, beyond his two true ones, are all we, musicians who learnt with him.
Goodbye, Mr. Manuel! Your work will not be forgotten!
Goodbye, Father! When we meet again, then you will smile for us. And then you will hug us with joy. Because we will never stop playing for you! In your honor, in your memory, for your work!
Goodbye, Professor Manuel Lindo Pleno!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

information of death

We inform our Belgium friends that our Maestro Manuel Lindo Pleno died in 22 August of 2006. He will be forever in our heart and in our memorie's.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Busy days playing with Filarmónica Pampilhosense

Hi people!!!
On the last weekend we had very busy days. We played on saturday, sunday and also on tuesday(it was national holiday in portugal).
On Saturday(12) F.P (Filarmónica Pampilhosense) made a concert at Luso (the place that i work, and also the place that you guys went with us to have a drink when you were here in portugal). We played at the center of luso at 20h with +/- 150 persons watching and listening our songs. The concert took one hour and a half...
On Sunday (13)we went to Amioso. We never wented to this place before it takes almost 2h to get there and of course we made it on bus, it was real nice because the persons of that village were very nice and friendly to us.When we arrived we played a little bit of a march for some houses and they were giving us beer, whine and food. We played a little bit more and again, and again....in the middle of that we played the happybirthday to a little girl of 5-6 years old. We went to the church and we sing like you guys have seen back in portugal and also in belgium after we played in the streets for the saints(proslipt) like in Pampilhosa when you guys were here. Finaly we played 3 marchs at the end of it and we had to eat and drink again ... :-p
On Tuesday (15) we wento to play in the best party of the year "junça" party. junça is the name of the little village that we went to play on. This village is near the boarder with spain it take us 3 hours to get there on BUS. Junça is full of emigrants at this time of the year. They love to have F.P there every year and we LOVE TO GO THERE ... What does Junça have that is so special?!? Well at the beginning we can say that it is a party just like the others. We played at the streets in the morning, we had breakfast, then we went to the church, we played on it and made also the proslipt, wich it just take 5 minutes not more it is just around the church and that's it.(the church is in a isolated place but also very beautifull)
After that we went to eat in a restaurant wich is 100m from the boarder with Spain, it is in Vilarformoso (the one's of you that came by car certainly passed there). We had a concert in the afternoon, wich the big news is that David was the drumer(David is teenager that played drums with Olpa Big Band) we played very well for his first time on a official concert, we are all very proud of him. Anyway we played it and then it come's the special thing... you see, they have a tradition in Junça, in the end of the concert all of the people that are watching it come's after the band and we have to go to the house of all the butlers of the party to eat and drink(us and all the people). As you can imagine some people start getting drunk. But things start getting real crazy when we come up to play in "XIRIBI MODE" in the half of the way . Daniel Vieira the Sax-Man come's up to be the maestro of a few number of instrument player's that only play popular music that everybody know's. All the people start dancing and singing and some of them are real drunk... it is very funny althought in the end of the day we are all very tired because it is a very long day for us.
On the last sunday (20) we also went playing to a little village called "sobreiro". This was a party of 5 little villages that put it all together on one. The morning started badly because the bus that was supossed to pick us up at 08:30am just get to Pampilhosa almost at 11am so we were running late... when we get there they were nice to us we eat something before we started to play, but then we had to play almost 3 hours in a role with just a quick stop to drink a beer(it was very hot). After that we had lunch in a restaurant that didn't serve us well (we had to ask for more food :-( ) after that we went to sobreiro again but we dindn't sing at the church because they got there own group of singers. We played the proslipt, after that we played two marchs and we came back home(45m).

And you guys have you went playing?? what have you done with our band? hope you like to hear from Filarmónica Pampilhosense news...

waiting for your coments


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Catch them if you can!

Something off the record now: The fastest women and men from europe are from ... Belgium and Portugal! Viva Kim Gevaert! Viva Francis Obikwelu!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ThOuGHts Of mY SuSpICioUS MiND

What is the meaning and the reason that you, my friend, live for? Have you ever asked to yourself what are you doing in this world?What is the purpose of your life?!? What do you do in your everydaylife to make the one's that live around you and the one's that you love feel better, feel happie....?!? How many are the time's that we talk in a bad mood to our mom, to our father, to our brother, to our boyfriend, to our neighbour to our friend?!? (Maybe because we stessed or we just have a bad day)
I honestly think that a lot of persons don't think about the other's and don't think about this issues of making the other's happy and all that because they are selfish. This certainly didn't happen with us because when we were in Belgium you just receive us with every smile you guys got and making everything to make us feel happy in your country. We past 3 or 4 worderfull days there and then you came to here and we tried to do our best also, so i guess this is why our connection get so big and we feel already linked to each other.
Let's make the same in our everyday life because i believe that everyone have the right to be happy and the way to get that hapiness is making the one's that we love happy and confortable. if we see the one's we love happy we will feel happy also for sure. Let's make something to make our world better... just enjoy what the life has to offer; be with your friends, listen to music, play music, make love go party... because we know our birthday day but we don't know the day that we die.
In conclusion what i want to transmit to you my Portuguese and Belgium Friends is that; try to take you live in a "cool mode" try to chillout as many time's as you can, don't get to stressed for little things(don't make it big problems). Try to change you attitude when you are in a bad mood and with time you will be a different person with mor positive feelings.


"don't worry be happy"

Please make your comment's....

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hello! This is Karlien and Tineke speaking!

We just wanted to say that there is not a lot of life on the blog! And that you all have to post more comment and more important , pictures.
At this moment , we are at Catherine's house and we are thinking back at the time in Portugal. We looked at the pictures and watched to all the movies we took there. We almost had to cry. :-)
Karlien made her deliscous dinner that you ate when you came to dinner with us. ( the pasta) It was the only thing that you liked. But also sish kebab :-) It wood be more fun if you guys were here. We miss you so much... We want to come back in december in the christmas vacation but Karlien doesnt know if she will have the money. And i 'm not coming allone.
I wonder if we can stay in Mike's house ;-)

lots of kisses